Herpeto Capixaba, in partnership with Projeto Caiman, Silvestres and Instituto Últimas Refúgios, proudly presents the course 'Reptiles: Diversity, Conservation, Health and Scientific Diffusion'. In order to offer specialized knowledge about reptiles, our selection of highly qualified professionals - made up of biologists, veterinarians and nature photographers - has prepared with great dedication, affection and enthusiasm this course that will present modern methodologies used in inventories, capture, management , conservation, health and scientific diffusion. In this way, each participant will not only deepen their knowledge about reptiles, but will be several steps ahead to stand out in the job market, being able to develop both scientific and technical-environmental activities.

November 15th to 18th, 2018
Projeto Caiman Ecological Center (Former Parque da Fazendinha)
Av. Eugênio Pachêco de Queirós, s/n - Jardim Camburi, Vitória - ES, 29090-160
The Caiman Project Ecological Center is an initiative of the Marcos Daniel Institute of Education, Research and Environmental Preservation. It is an environmental education and research center to promote the conservation of the alligator-of-papo-amarelo in Espírito Santo. It is the first Research and Conservation Center exclusively for Alligators in Brazil, already being a national reference. Within the space, a free environmental education program is developed for public schools and residents of greater Vitória. The goal is to make it a specialized tourist equipment aimed at ecological tourism.
A research center dedicated to the science of the Atlantic Forest flooded environments. Another attraction is the recently created Mata Paludosa Wildlife Reserve, which is part of the Projeto Caiman Ecological Center complex.
40 participants
BRL 450 (in cash) or
BRL 500 (in installments of up to 5 installments)
The Reptiles course itself;
Course certificate (55 hours);
Didactic material (notebook kit and printed material);
Food (Breakfast and Coffee break);
Food (Lunch and Dinner with vegan and vegetarian options);
The book Reptiles of Restinga by PEPCV, Setiba, Guarapari;
Official fraternization;
Certificate issued by the Marcos Daniel Institute.

Veterinary Doctor, Master in Animal Science and Doctoral Student of the Ecosystem Ecology Program at the University of Vila Velha – UVV, Espírito Santo. He has experience in Biodiversity Conservation and Wildlife Health in Situ, with a focus on Crocodilians and Testudines. Coordinator of the Caiman Project - Alligators from the Atlantic Forest; Researcher at the Marcos Daniel Environmental Education, Research and Preservation Institute - IMD; Counselor of the Brazilian Association of Wild Animal Veterinarians - ABRAVAS; Titular Member of the ES Environment Council; Member of the advisory board of Fonte Grande State Park; and integrates the wildlife committee of CRMV-ES.
Researcher, Biologist. Doctor in Zoology at the National Museum, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro. He works in the area of Herpetology, in the sub-areas of taxonomy, morphology and natural history, developing technical and scientific research related to the knowledge of amphibians and reptiles since 2002. Founder and coordinator of Herpeto Capixaba, diminutive of the research project entitled 'State of the Art of Herpetology in Espírito Santo: breaking through from diversity to adversity - Herpetofauna of the Capixaba Atlantic Forest'. Research biologist at the Caiman Project. Thiago was a researcher at the National Institute of Atlantic Forest from 2014 to 2017, where he developed various activities in environmental education, dissemination, scientific research and guided dozens of students. Author of fifty scientific publications, including the book 'Répteis da Restinga do Paulo César Vinha State Park, Guarapari, Espírito Santo, Southeast of Brazil'. He is currently a researcher at the Marcos Daniel Institute - IMD, Vitória, Espírito Santo.

Graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Vila Velha – UVV, Espírito Santo, working since 2005 in the area of Management, Conservation and Clinic of Wild and Exotic Animals. Postgraduate degree in Wild Animals – Anclivepa – SP, in Medical Clinic of Small Animals - Qualittas, and in Medical Clinic of Wild and Exotic Animals - Qualittas. Veterinary Doctor of Commercial Farming of Wild and Exotic Parrots, Papo Amarelo Alligator. Veterinary Doctor responsible for the ZooPark da Montanha Zoo, Marechal Floriano, ES. Social Director of ABRAVAS (2016-2019). Partner-owner of the company SILVESTRES.

A nature and conservation photographer, he is the founder of Instituto Últimas Refúgios, a non-profit NGO that seeks environmental awareness through culture, especially photographs and videos. Graduated as a Graphic Designer at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, and specializing in photography and design at the Academy of Media and Arts in Cologne, Germany. Leonardo has already held several exhibitions in Brazil and around the world, in countries such as Germany, Italy and France. He has published five books, four video documentaries, TV/Youtube series and articles aired on BBC, National Geographic Brazil, Fantástico, Google Arts & Culture. He was a speaker at a TEDx TALK event, held in Vitória – ES. It participates in several projects for the conservation of wild animal species, acting in image capture, scientific dissemination and environmental education. It carries out environmental awareness activities in schools, lectures on nature conservation, coordination of projects to revitalize natural parks and cultural actions aimed at environmental conservation involving local communities.

*No animals will be killed or euthanized during the course. Fixation classes will be held with animals derived from roadkill!
Comfortable clothing for lectures;
Comfortable pants;
Long sleeve shirt;
Hat Cap;
Closed shoe / boot / galoshes;
Big sock;
Application form below:
Alan Vaz
(27) 99627-8187
Thiago Silva Soares
(21) 99662-2209
#caiman project
#last refuges