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Publicações científicas BROMELIGENOUS


Abaixo segue a lista de publicações desenvolvidas por membros do Bromeligenous, com os respectivos links para download:


Tonini, J.F.R.; Ferreira, R.B.; Pyron, A.R. In Press. Specialized breeding in plants affects diversification trajectories in Neotropical frogs. Evolution

Suárez, P.; Ferro, J.; Nagamachi, C.; Baldo, D.; Blasco-Zúñiga, A.; Silva, J.; Jr, Euvaldo; Costa, M.; Orrico, V.; Solé, M.; Roberto, I.; Rivera, M.; Wiley, J.; Faivovich, J.; Pieczarka, J. 2020. Chromosome evolution in Lophyohylini (Amphibia, Anura, Hylinae). PlosOne, 15(6): e0234331.

Santos, M.T.T.; Magalhães, R.F.; Ferreira, R.B.; Vittorazzi, S.E.; Dias, I.R.; Leite, F.S.F.; Lourenço, L.B.; Santos, F.R.; Haddad, C.F.B.; Garcia, P.C.A. 2020. Systematic Revision of the Rare Bromeligenous Genus Crossodactylodes Cochran, 1938 (Anura: Leptodactylidae: Paratelmatobiinae), Herpetological Monographs, 34(1): 1-38.

Blotto, B.L.; Lyra, M.; Cardoso, M.; Rodrigues, M.; Dias, I.; Jr, Euvaldo; Dal Vechio, F.; Orrico, V.; Brandao, R.; Assis, C.; Silva, A.; Rutherford, M.; Gagliardi-Urrutia, G.; Solé, M.; Baldo, D.; Nunes, I.; Cajade, R.T.; Ambrosio, G.; Grant, T.; Faivovich, J. 2020. The phylogeny of the Casque-headed Treefrogs (Hylidae: Hylinae: Lophyohylini). Cladistics, 2020(1): 1-37.

Araújo, A.P.; Bastos, C.M.; Santos, R.V.I.; Moura, G.J.B.; Melo Jr., M.; Tinôco, M.S. 2019. Novel records of phoresy among microcrustaceans and bromeliad treefrogs in the Atlantic rainforest of Northeast Brazil. Herpetology Notes, 12: 531-535.

Lantyer-Silva AS, Lirio FCF, Tonini JFR, Zocca CZ, Fraga CN, Waichert C, et al. 2019. Projeto Bromeligenous: aliando pesquisa e educação em prol da consevação de anfíbios de bromélia. Herpetologia Brasileira, 8(3): 20–28. (pdf)

Ferreira, R.B., Monico, A.T., Zocca, C., Santos, M.T., Lirio, F.C.F., Tonini, J.F.R., Sabagh, L.., Cipriano, R.S., Waichert, C., Crump, M.L., Beard, K.H., Toledo, L.F., Duca, C. 2019. Uncovering the Natural History of the Bromeligenous Frog Crossodactylodes izecksohni (Leptodactylidae, Paratelmatobiinae). South American Journal of Herpetology, 1492: 136-145. (pdf)

Ferreira, R.B., Mônico, A.T., Silva, E.T., Lirio, F.C.F., Zocca, C., Mageski, M.M., Tonini, J.F.R., Beard, K.H., Duca, C., Silva-Soares, T., 2019. Amphibians of Santa Teresa, Brazil: the hotspot further evaluated. Zookeys 857, 139–162. (pdf)

Lirio, F.C. and Ferreira, R.B. 2019. Qual a Percepção Dos Moradores Do Entorno Da Reserva Biológica Augusto Ruschi (Espírito Santo, Brasil) Sobre Os Anfíbios Anuros? Ethnoscientia 4. (pdf)

Silva, Amanda; Waldron, A.; Zina, J.; Solé, M. 2018. Reproductive site selection in a bromeliad breeding treefrog suggests complex evolutionary trade-offs. PLOS ONE. 13. e0207131. 10.1371/journal.pone.0207131. (pdf)

Orrico, V.G.D.; Dias, I.R.; Marciano Jr, E. 2018. Another new species of Phyllodytes (Anura: Hylidae) from the Atlantic Forest of northeastern Brazil. Zootaxa, 4407(1): 101-110.

Marciano Jr., E.; Silva, A.S.F.; Solé, M. 2017. A new species of Phyllodytes Wagler, 1830 (Anura, Hylidae) from the Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia, Brazil. Zootaxa, 4238(1): 135- 142.

Teixeira, R.L.; Britto, R. C.; Bissoli, L.C.P.; Lourenço-de-Moraes, R. and Ferreira, R.B. 2017. Diet of juveniles of the venomous frog Aparasphenodon brunoi (Amphibia: Hylidae) in southeastern Brazil. Acta Herpetologica, 12(2): 205-208. (pdf)

Mageski, M.M.; Ferreira, R.B.; Costa, L.C.; Jesus, P.R.; Medeiros, C.C. and Ferreira, P.D. 2017. Frog assemblage associated with bromeliads in a sandy coastal plain in the state of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia de São Paulo, 57(34): 445-449 (pdf).

Sabagh, L.; Ferreira, R.B. and Rocha, C.F.D. 2017. Host bromeliads and their associated frog species: Further considerations on the importance of species interactions for conservation. Symbiosis, 73:201-211. (pdf).

Ferreira, R.B.; Lourenço-de-Moraes, R.; Teixeira, R.L. and Beard, K. 2017. Frogs associated to bromeliads in a cacao agroecosystem. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 12(2): 392-396 (pdf).

Ferreira, R.B.; Beard, K.H. and Crump, M. L. 2016. Breeding guilds determine frog response to edge and matrix effects in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest. PlosOne, 11(6): e0156781 (pdf).

Mageski, M.M.; Ferreira, R.B.; Beard, K.H.; Costa, L.C.; Jesus,P.R.; Medeiros, C.C. and Ferreira, P.D. 2016. Bromeliad selection by Phyllodytes luteolus (Anura, Hylidae): the influence of plant structure and water quality factors. Journal of Herpetology, 50(1): 108-112 (pdf).

Peixoto, M.; Guimarães, C.; Lacerda, J.V.; Leal, F.; Rocha, P.; Feio, R.. 2016. Vocal repertoire of Scinax v-signatus (Lutz 1968) (Anura, Hylidae) and comments on bioacoustical synapomorphies for Scinax perpusillus species group. Acta Herpetologica, 11(1): 53-57.

Ferreira, R.B.; Faivovich, J.; Beard, K.H. and Pombal Jr., J.P. 2015. Description of the first bromeligenous species of Dendropsophus (Anura: Hylidae) from southeastern Brazil. PlosOne, 10(12): e0142893 (pdf).

Peixoto, M.; Lacerda, J.V.; Coelho-Augusto, C.; Feio, R.; Dergam, J.. 2015. The karyotypes of five species of the Scinax perpusillus group (Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae) of southeastern Brazil show high levels of chromosomal stabilization in this taxon. Genetica, 143(6).

Mageski, M.; Ferreira, R.B.; Jesus, P.R.; Costa, L.C.; Roper, J.J. and Ferreira, P.D. 2015. The island rule in the Brazilian frog Phyllodytes luteolus (Anura: Hylidae): incipient gigantism? Zoologia (pdf).

Guimarães, C.; Peixoto, M.A.; Lacerda, J.V.A.; Feio, R.N.. 2014. The tadpole of Scinax cosenzai (Anura: Hylidae). Salamandra, 50(2): 99-104.

Lacerda, J.V.A., Ferreira, R.B., Souza, G.A., Silva, H.R., and Feio, R.N. 2014. On the diagnosis and conservation of the poorly known bromeligenous Scinax arduous Peixoto, 2002 (Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae). Zootaxa, 4021(3): 401-417 (pdf).

Cruz, D.; Marciano Jr., E.; Napoli, E. 2014. Advertisement and courtship calls of Phyllodytes wuchereri (Peters, 1873) (Anura: Hylidae). Zootaxa, 3774(1): 97-100.

Lourenço-de-Moraes, R., Ferreira, R.B., Fouquet, A. and Bastos, R. 2014. A new diminutive frog of the genus Adelophryne Hoogmoed and Lescure 1984 (Amphibia, Anura, Eleutherodactylidae) from the Atlantic forest of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Zootaxa, 3846(3): 348-360. (pdf)

Mageski, M.; Ferreira, R.B.; Zocca, C.Z.; Teixeira, R.L. and Rodder, D. 2014. The unusual occurrence of a population of Dendropsophus elegans(Anura, Hylidae) in an inselberg of southeastern Brazil. Herpetology Notes, 7:363-365. (pdf)

Mageski, M.M.; Silva-Soares, T.; Ferreira, R. B. 2014. Hábito bromelígena de Dendropsophus haddadi (Anura: Hylidae) em ambiente de Mata Atlântica no sudeste do Brasil. Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão, 34: 97-100. (pdf)

Silva, A.S.F.L.; Solé, M.; Zina, J. 2014. Reproductive biology of a bromeligenous frog endemic to the Atlantic Forest: Aparasphenodon arapapa Pimenta, Napoli and Haddad, 2009 (Anura: Hylidae). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 86(2): 867-880.

Lourenço-de-Moraes, R.; Silva, A.S.F.L.; Toledo, L.F.; Solé, M. 2013. Tadpole, Oophagy, Advertisement Call, and Geographic Distribution of Aparasphenodon arapapa Pimenta, Napoli and Haddad 2009 (Anura, Hylidae). Journal of Herpetology, 47(4): 575-579.

Ferreira, R.B.; Schineider, J.A.P.; Teixeira, R.L. 2012. Diet, fecundity and use of bromeliads by Phyllodytes luteolus (Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae) in Southeastern of Brazil. Journal of Herpetology, v. 46, p. 19-24. (pdf)

Lacerda, J.V.; Peixoto, O.L.; Feio, R.N. 2012. A new species of the bromeligenous Scinax perpusillus group (Anura; Hylidae) from Serra do Brigadeiro, State of Minas Gerais, Southeastern Brazil. Zootaxa, 3271: 31-42.

Lacerda, J.V.; Assis, B.; Santana, D.; Feio, R. Anurans in bromeliads, Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro, state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Check List. 5.

Leme, E.M.C.; Fraga, C.N.; Kollman, L.J.C.; Brown, G.K.; Til, W.; Ribeiro, O.B.C.; Machado, M.C.; Monteiro, F.J.S.; Fontana, A.P. 2010. Miscellaneous new species in the Brazilian Bromeliaceae. Rodriguesia, 61(1): 21-67.

Silva-Soares, T.; Costa, P.; Ferreira, R.B.; Weber, L.N. 2010. The tadpole of Scinax belloni (Anura: Hylidae). Zootaxa, 2727: 63-68.

Pertel, W.; Teixeira, R.L.; Ferreira, R.B. 2010. Comparison of diet and use of bromeliads between a bromelicolous and a bromeligenous anuran at an inselberg in the southeastern of Brazil. Caldasia, 32(1): 149-159.

Lacerda, J.V.A.; Assis, B.; Santana, D.J.; Feio, R.N. 2009. Anurans in bromeliads, Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro, state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. CheckList, 5(4).


Mageski, M.M.; Falcão, A.; Ferreira, R.B. Notes on the use of bromeliad by Hypsiboas semilineatus. Herpetological Review, 45(1):112-113.

Silva, A.S.F.L.; Souza, C.C.; Marreiro, I.M.J.; Solé, M. 2016. Aparasphenodon arapapa. Phoretic ostracods. Herpetological Review, 47(78): 1092-1100.


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